Wednesday, 1 February 2012

French Exchange Day 1-2

Hi Folks,

Just finalising a few things to try and get this blog up and running. Going to put a few photos and a video from the chief talker/singer/comedian Sean Brady with his peers acting as co-anchors! We'll try to make this a daily feature.

The bus trip took a little over two hours to get from Lyon to Riom. Singer/Songwriter Sean Brady kept the craic going belting out hits from the likes of The Dubliners, Pogues and many other current chart artists. We finally made it to Riom where everyone was introduced to their families. Some were luckyily staying in town while others were whisked off to the mountains.

The following morning many didn't make it in as the roads were heavily blocked with snow but by 2 o' clock all had safely made it. Virginia students followed their French counterparts into classes and that afternoon, we had a short tour of the town (snowball fights included). We all met back in the school only to parade back up the town with more snowball fights taking place. Here, we got to meet the town councillors who welcomed us to their school and town wishing us an enjoyable stay in the first of hopefully many to come.

Here is a rough and ready video blog from the 'News Update Team'.

Check-in at the airport!

What Riom is supposed to look like:

What is looks like the morning of the 'big schnow'!
Messing in the snow (neige in French because it's all we keep hearing)

More messing in the snow

Start of the tour.

More of the tour

In class getting a guide to the life of the typical Franch student.

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