Wednesday, 8 February 2012

French Exchange Day 7

Hi again,

Another video (recorded by the students this time). Pretty short and quick i'm afraid but we're editing a long one for our final day here.

Trying to get everyone into photos but as you can see, some are camera shy while other are not (Sean Brady). We were very fortunate in our travels. The bus company also run the buses for the ASM professional rugby team who we met yesterday and our usual bus was getting serviced. To our delight their team bus pull up to take us on our merry way. Leather seats that recline, a leather foot-rest and tables for playing Texas Hold'em (no cash involved!!) Our first stop was a trip to a natural spring and cave but there was a problem with the tour so we'll just say things didn't go to plan. Later we stopped at a skiing village for some lunch. It was a proper medievil town (I forgot my camera hence the lack of photos) and the scenery was magnificant. From here we went to a farm where they make Saint Nectaire cheese, one of the biggest brands in France and even other countries in Europe. After seeing the production and buying some to take home we were back on the coach. With the U16 game on the day of our return we got permission for some of the lads to train in the school PE hall to keep them on their toes and burn off the McDonalds from the day before.

This was recorded by the students!

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